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Episode 23 – Gabe Ng – Fish Passage Design Manager

In this episode, Annika Fain interviews Gabe Ng. Gabe is a Fish Passage Design Manager for the WSDOT NW Region Fish Passage Program. He is passionate about improving the environment and collaborating with a variety of people and disciplines. Gabe provides insight into important aspects of fish passage. Annika and Gabe discuss their experience in the fish passage realm and future opportunities. Gabe also provides advice to young professionals. 

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Episode 19. Emily Howe – Nature Conservancy – Aquatic and Estuarine Ecologist

In this episode, Annika interviews Emily Howe, an aquatic and estuarine ecologist at The Nature Conservancy of Washington. She holds a Ph.D. from the School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences at the University of Washington, with a focus on estuarine restoration and food web ecology in tidally-influenced ecosystems.

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